2017-01-01 in Learning

3 marketing tips for how to promote your digital magazine

Many publishers are interested in launching and promoting a digital version of their magazines, but you may be unsure where to begin.

Many publishers are interested in launching and promoting a digital version of their magazines, but you may be unsure where to begin.Here are three effective methods to consider for how to promote your digital magazine and boosting your digital circulation:

1. Promoting on your website

If visitors are already reading content on your website, it’s likely that they’ll be interested in checking out your digital magazine as well. Publishers are finding that it’s worth dedicating a large space on your homepage to advertising your digital magazine, since this will attract much more attention than mere links which are generally overlooked. Just take a quick look at the websites of leading magazines and you’ll find that a growing number of them advertise their digital magazines prominently on many of their web pages.

In many ways, a magazine’s website is even more important than any printed content that they publish. This is especially true when it comes to attracting new readers, who are more likely to wander onto your website than to be casually flipping through your printed magazine.

2. Social media

It’s imperative for digital magazines to utilize social media in two distinct ways:

  1. Creating active profiles: Make sure that your Facebook and Twitter pages are up-to-date and offer your followers compelling content that they would be unable to find elsewhere. The best way to attract a larger audience is by providing your current readership with valuable material that they’ll be prone to share on their personal profiles.
  2. Advertising on social media: Besides for maintaining active pages, it is worth investing in advertising campaigns on social media websites since you can target specific demographics. The ability to fine-tune all aspects of your advertising campaign means that you are likely to attract new readers to your digital magazine if managed effectively.

3. Email marketing

Pitching your digital magazine via email has distinct benefits and can pay high dividends for your brand. If done effectively, you’ll be able to convert free email subscribers into those willing to pay for digital content and significantly increase your circulation. A major plus of email marketing is that you’ll be targeting consumers who are already interested in your content and likely to be interested in reading more of your material.

Best of all, it’s completely free to send out emails which means that if done effectively you’ll have a very profitable ROI on your email marketing campaigns. This all begins with having an effective strategy on your magazine’s website for collecting email addresses of your web visitors.

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