Billing and payments

When you operate your business on RunMags, you eliminate the need for cumbersome dual-entry of data in your commercial process. The product information, pricing and terms in your advertising contracts are seamlessly pulled into the invoice so all you have to do is to approve it before it is emailed to your clients. If you want to automate your business further, we can even set the invoices to be emailed out automatically when the contractual billing date is passed.

With all customer and contract data in one place, RunMags contains the tools for ensuring accurate billing as the fulfillment process is completed, effectively eliminating the need to transfer customer data to the accounting system.

A billing process that is a breeze

As each advertising contract in RunMags is structured data with inventory sold, timing of placement, pricing, contacts and other important information, the billing process becomes a breeze. You can trust that each ad sold also will be properly billed once the delivery has been fulfilled. Once your organization is trained on how to enter information into the system from sales through production, you can automate the system to print out all invoices at the click of a button.

Collections simplified

Since the invoicing process is automated and performed in RunMags, as opposed to a separate accounting system, Finance is not restricted to work in isolation. In RunMags, Finance get notified about late payments and have access to customer contact data for follow up and resolution. And like all other employees, Finance reps can add activities in RunMags to let colleagues know if an agreement with the customer was reached.

Delinquent payers can also be approached by the sales rep as part of the ongoing relationship for issue resolution. Sales reps can manage their accounts in RunMags and if they note that one of their customers is overdue, they can use it as an opportunity to strengthen the relationship and naturally get into a discussion about the next project.

Credit card payment processing

You can set up a free Stripe account to let subscribers sign up and pay for their subscriptions on secure and responsive landing pages that you can design to match your brand and style.

Also, you can use the same payment processing to include an option for your advertisers to pay their invoices by credit card. The commercial process can be effortless; from client eSignature of the booking order, to one-click-invoicing and automatic processing of client's credit card on file.

RunMags Stripe Verified Partner