2019-11-27 in Learning

End-of-year advertising sales

Now is the time for end-of-year advertising sales. Use RunMags mass email to connect with prospects and existing clients to help them reach their (and your) goals in 2020.

Many companies book most of their advertising for the following year in December. So if they use up 80% of their advertising budget in December, you better make sure you get a slice of that pie, right?

In addition, some sales and marketing departments may have money left in their current year budget that they have to spend before year end or they'll loose it. That poses a great opportunity for you to close and order and even invoice in December for advertising to be delivered in 2020. Great for cash flow!

Mass email campaigns in RunMags

RunMags has your back when it comes to communicating with your prospects and existing clients. Without the need for a email service like MailChimp or Constant Contact, you can create segments and design as well as send emails within RunMags. No need to export lists back and forth since you have all the contacts in the RunMags CRM.

Below is an example of how you can launch a mass email campaign targeting prospects and existing clients. The entire process can be completed in the Ad sales module in RunMags by those with access.

Design your email

You begin by designing your email. This can be done either using our design editor or in text based html. Our drag-and-drop email designer is easy to use and create beautiful email without garbage code in them.

With that being said, some clients may respond more favourably to text based emails simply because it looks more like a personal email.

It this example, Melissa the sales rep, has included a CTA (Call to Action) button that takes the clients to her Calendly meeting booking page. See more on the freemium service from Calendly further down the page.

Select who to send to

You need to define a selection of contacts to send the email to by applying filters. This can be done based on where they are in your sales funnel, the segment they have been assigned to, geographical location, how they are tagged, etc.

Once you have created a selection, it's saved in the system and can be used again and again. Over time, as contacts meet or do not meet the filters, they get added or removed from the selection.


Send your email

The last step is to execute the campaign, i.e. sending the email. You name the campaign, decide what email address to send it from, when it should send and to which selection.

Once you activate the email and click save, it will send to those in the selection. Immediately, you'll start seeing delivery and open rates.

Track clients that take action

You will also be able to track what links in the email that are clicked and by whom, down to client contact level. And better yet, if you have implemented the RunMags Website Visitor JavaScript, you will be able to see which pages on your website that the clients are visiting.

Freemium software to help you book and conduct sales meetings

To help you close more deals, using our mass email service, you should also check out some tools that we use ourselves. When you send the mass emails you want clients to engage and take action, right? Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a way for them to self-service themselves to a meeting with you?

We recommend you take a look at the following two software platforms, Calendly and Whereby. They are both freemium cloud-based software so you can use them for free and they don't require you or your customers to download any software. If you have scheduled and conducted a demo with us, you have actually already used them :-)


Comparing schedules to finding a time slot that works for both parties can be tiring and require a bunch of emailing back and forth. Your client can get tired during that process and just move on ... away from you.

Make it easy for your clients to engage with you by using Calendly. You can define meeting types with different urls and use those in your email footer, in CTAs (like the example above) and even embedded on your website.

You connect Calendly to your calendar tool of choice so that time slots that are already have been booked cannot be booked by another client. When a client books a meeting, you get notified via email and a meeting notice is created in your calendar as well as in your client's calendar.


In our humble opinion, if you don't use Whereby for your online sales meetings, you're not doing it right :-)

At RunMags, we've pretty much tested ALL online conferencing solutions available and we conclude that Whereby beat them all from both a technology and usability standpoint. On top of that, there's a free of charge tier!

Whereby does not require any software downloads and there's no meeting code to remember. Clients just click the url included in their Calendly booked meeting notice and you connect. Easy as that!

Try it out for yourself

If you are not already using RunMags, you should sign up for our free 14 day trial so that you can see our platform in action. Click the orange CTA to sign up and when you have you'll be offered to schedule an online demo using Calendly.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

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