2019-10-11 in Learning

Are you A/B testing your subscription signup pages?

A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject's response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective. With RunMags you can easily perform A/B testing to understand which subscription landing page design and value proposition that performs the best.

Is your circulation living up to its potential?

These days most subscriptions (paid and non-paid) are signed up for online. On top of that, our data tells us that mobile is already a preferred channel when folks are evaluating and signing up. For some of our customers, mobile stands for more than 70% of subscription sales.

In that world, how do you really know that your subscription sales is performing at its best?

Enter A/B testing

With RunMags you can easily perform A/B testing to understand which subscription landing page design and value proposition that performs the best. Simply put, in one RunMags campaign, you create two separate landing pages with distinguished text and design. Then you make sure that signup buttons and subscription offers on your website are directed to the two portals - half of the click to one portal (A) and the other half to the other portal (B).

Design different portals for A/B testing

A/B testing can be an art in itself so there's much to learn, but simply by creating two different designs of a portal, you can learn a lot about how to increase your circulation.

In RunMags, each campaign tracks the subscribers signing up and you get access to statistics that clearly show which portal that performs the best.

If you're not already using RunMags, check out how we can support your subscription sales efforts.


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