2016-09-01 in Update

RunMags updates – September 2016

It’s time to announce some of the improvements we have launched lately. As you know, we continuously release updates and most you won’t even notice, but here are three updates that may cause confusion in case you’re not aware of them.

1 – Improved email integration using Oauth 2.0

In line with the major business email providers (Google, Microsoft, etc.) changing their security policies and updating delivery platforms, RunMags has moved to using Oauth 2.0 as the preferred authentication method. If you have been experiencing problems with email delivery when sending email from RunMags this may be your solution.

Please make sure you have all your RunMags users update their profile so that your emails reach the clients!

Link to article in knowledge base

2 – Better flexibility using different contacts in deals

When you create a deal, the default client contacts you have checked off to be the contacts for the advertising contract, any editorial content, the artwork as well as billing, still populates the new deal automatically.

In order to free up some space on the first page of the deal form, we have moved the contacts to the last tab in the deal form.

Link to article in knowledge base

3 – New tool for mass-updating client database

As employees change positions and new ones are onboarded, you can use a tool in RunMags to update account information. Do a simple seach for all Prospects in a certain state or country and assign them to the new sales rep.

Link to article in knowledge base