2019-04-17 in Update

Leaky Paywall for WordPress integrates with RunMags

Ever wanted to set up a paywall so that only paying subscribers get access to premium content on your WordPress magazine website? There's a great plugin for that and it's called Leaky Paywall. And it integrates with RunMags.

Leaky Paywall by Zeen101 is the #1 metered paywall for WordPress. It has been engineered specifically for WordPress and lets you customize the subscriber experience like no other platform. It's designed to promote your articles in search and on social platforms...which explodes the traditional approach to marketing content. In addition, Leaky Paywall offers the unmatched ability to flex metered access to: articles, comments, calendars, classifieds, archive content, forums, app content, and much more.

Leaky Paywall connects to RunMags' subscriber database

If you are maintaining your subscriber database in RunMags and use our portals to sell subscriptions, you can set up Leaky Paywall to integrate with RunMags. Subscribers can then sign into your magazine website using their email address and password, at which time Leaky Paywall calls into RunMags to verify if the person should get access.

The RunMags - Leaky Paywall integrated solution creates a great opportunity for monetizing your online content. It's easy for people to sign up and pay for their subscription on one of your RunMags secure and mobile friendly portals and once they are in your database they can get instant access to premium content on your website.

Also, once the subscriber record is in RunMags, you can send automated renewal notices, receipts as well as marketing email and published newsletter content using our SendGrid email integration.

How to set up Leaky Paywall

If you want to explore Leaky Paywall and how the WordPress plugin can help your business earn more revenue, please check out the WordPress plugin page.

Alternatively, you can go to Zeen101's website.