
Contact us

While we at RunMags don’t employ the resources of a costly 24/7 call center, we do our best to provide a very responsive online helpdesk, manned by knowledgeable product experts in different time zones.

Our #1 support resource:

You can access the online Help Center at where you can find our complete knowledge base and support articles. We love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. Our Help Center includes a number of articles to get you started and please click the chat smiley to share your stories to help us build a product that best fits your needs.

Our #2 support resource: Chat

At any time, whether you're in RunMags, on our website, or in our Help Center, you can typically engage with us and get a response quickly through our chat. Please look for a little smiley button that will be located in either the lower-left or lower right corner of your browser.

Our #3 support resource: email

You can also email us using the addresses below.

For Sales:

For Technical Support:

For Billing Support:


We’re looking forward to hearing from you!