2015-08-12 in Learning

Get your snail mail anywhere in the world with EarthClassMail

If you run a magazine, say a travel and lifestyle one, and you enjoy spending extended time in a new country with your family, learning how to salsa dance and drink great wine during your time off — How do you manage the inbound snail mail for your business so that important mail or a deadline isn’t missed?

Enter EarthClassMail

At RunMags Inc. we use EarthClassMail, a service that is bringing postal mail kicking and screaming into the 21st century. The only physical address that the State, the IRS and our bank have on file for RunMags Inc. is an address that EarthClassMail has furnished us with. There is NO other address in existence for RunMags. Granted, we don’t get that much snail mail, but most of the snail mail that we do receive is quite important, for example trade mark applications, banking documents, etc.

Any parcel that EarthClassMail receives on our behalf is digitized so that we can read and manage our mail online, from anywhere in the world. If we want to keep the original parcel, EarthClassMail will forward it to the employee that needs it.

Q&A with Robert Bergqvist, CEO of RunMags

If you like to travel and are interested in practical advice for traveling the world, check out the Q&A interview that EarthClassMail did with Robert Bergqvist. You can access their blog post here.

We’ll see you on Planet Earth!


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